Lunch Program

Hot Lunch Program:

St. Mary Parish School offers a healthy, nutritious, and balanced (protein, fruit and/or vegetable, carbohydrate) hot lunch daily.

  • All meals professionally prepared on site in our kitchen.
  • Numerous fruits and vegetables are offered weekly.
  • Limited processed foods.

Lenten requirements are followed through Lent.  

Hot Lunch Offering:

Parents are notified of what is being served for lunch on a monthly basis via the Monthly Activity/Lunch Calendar, allowing students and their parents to plan for days that they would prefer hot lunch.  Changes to the hot lunch menu occur on a limited basis.

Additional Lunch Offering:

In addition to the item on the hot lunch menu, every day students will have an option of a Newton Meal (Yogurt, graham cracker, string cheese, muffin and milk). a turkey/cheese sub, a ham/cheese sub, a caesar salad, or garden salad.

Hot Lunch and Milk Costs:

Lunch and milk money may be turned into the school office at anytime. Families are encouraged to submit one payment for all children. Checks should be made payable to: St. Mary Parish School.

When the account balance is low, either a text and/or an email notice will be sent. Each student is given a lunch card. Students intentionally destroying their card will be charged a $5 replacement cost.

Lunch includes milk.

Student Lunch 3K - 8th

$4.65per day

Adult Lunch

$4.65 per day


$ .55



Ice Cream Cup



Please note:

Shared lunches are not allowed.

Parents are not allowed to bring fast food to the cafeteria for their child/ren.

Revised 08/2021



Lunch provided by A'viands


Matt Acompanado
School Kitchen Manager