1st Eucharist Preparation for Children

Celebration of 1st Eucharist 2023

Our celebrations of 1st Eucharist in 2023 will take place at the 4:00pm, 9:00am & 11:00am Masses on the weekends of April 29/30 & May 6/7.  In February a signup opportunity is held for parents to choose the Mass time at which they would like to have their child receive 1st Eucharist. 

 Preparing to Receive 1st Eucharist

Children preparing to receive Eucharist for the first time are required to be enrolled in religious education during the year prior to as well as the year of preparation for the sacrament they will be celebrating. This means the child must have been enrolled in a formal religious education program or a catholic school setting. It is necessary that your child participate in our parish sacramental program process. Please watch for a separate mailing to register your child/children for these special sessions.

Second grade parents will receive registration information in early fall for preparation sessions which will begin later in the fall.

Family Study

In addition to participation in Family of Faith and/or day school religious formation, children preparing to receive the sacraments will be given a series of home study sessions. These sessions are guided by the parents in a family setting, since parents are the first and primary catechists of their children, with the parish as a support system.

The families also participate in a half-day sacramental retreat. Preparation materials and retreat sign ups will be available beginning mid-December. 






Contact Us

Jess Panlener
Email: PanlenerJ@stmaryhc.org
(414) 425-2174 Ext. 249